pour plus de photos voir aussi: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150512275220314.635793.255837610313 ou http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=110384832375902
Le message de Nathalie de Vernon était: "POURRIEZ-VOUS ÉCLAIRER UN BÂTIMENT DE LA VILLE EN BLEU EN HOMMAGE AUX FAMILLES ET AUX ENFANTS MALADES. (Avec de simples rhodoïds bleus)
C'est une initiative de AUTISM SPEAK la plus grande organisation internationale pour l'autisme par exemple seront en bleu : le Corcovado, l'Empire state Building, la Maison Blanche, l'opéra House de Sydney - et je l'espère aussi la ville de Charité - symboles par excellence." VOIR LIEN: http://www.autismspeaks.org
Message de remerciement à DIALOGUE58 de Mark Roithmayr (President, Autism Speaks):
< < Henry,
What we were able to do this weekend was remarkable. You were one of over 66,000 people who committed to raise awareness about autism for Light It Up Blue.
Breathtaking blue lights shining out from hundreds of prominent buildings around the world delivered a powerful message of hope. Our global community came together to show unified support for one important cause: autism.
And Henry, you were at the heart of it all.
Thank you for being a part of Light It Up Blue and generating the kind of enthusiasm that spread our message of hope to millions.
Now, we want to celebrate you. Will you share your pictures from the weekend with us? Click here to open an email and attach your photos.
Light It Up Blue is a striking visual reminder of how meaningful it can be to rally together as a community. Your photos will tell our story in an enduring slideshow.
And now that Light It Up Blue has launched Autism Awareness Month, you can continue to make an impact with your Build a Blue Website profile.
In just 10 minutes you can set up a personal fundraising page with your own picture and personal message. You'll receive your own easy email tools to ask your friends and family to visit your personalized page and support Light It Up Blue with a donation.
Help us celebrate Autism Awareness Month in April by setting up a Build a Blue Website page:
Once again, I want to extend my warm appreciation for all that you've accomplished this weekend. Together, we are building a community that knows no boundaries.
Warm wishes,
Mark Roithmayr
President, Autism Speaks >>